
مرشحات مادة اللغة الانكلیزیة للسادس الاعدادي 2015

مرشحات اللغة الانكلیزیة للسادس الاعدادي

اسئلة قطع الكتاب المھمھ
Unit One
1. Why was Mustafa’s mother unconscious ?
2. What do the diabe􀆟cs have to do every day?
3. Why was Mustafa’s mother taking injections of insulin ?
Unit Two
1. When was the radar invented? Why?
2. Why do police use radar speed guns?
3. How does a radar speed gun work?
4. What is a radar detector?
Unit Three
1. What does ‘working freelance’ mean ?
2. Why shouldn’t an interpreter waste time thinking?
3. The most important qualities of a good interpreter are ……….
Unit Five
1. What would happen if people do not take enough breaks and holidays?
2. What can high blood pressure cause?
3. Workaholics are those people who ……
4. Holiday time can give us the opportunity to ……….. about people who are close to us.
Unit Six
1. Why should people save money for the future?
2. How can people invest their money?
3. How can people get benefit of their money?
Unit Seven
1. Why does the writer need to improve his English language?
2. The library has a range of information for people who are looking for the ……….
3. Why are new jobs appearing all the time?
مرشحات الادب
1/The Swing
1. What does the story “The Swing’’ stress on?
2. Discuss how the visitor tried to convey his massage to the little child?
3. In two lines what does “The Swing’’ tell us about?
4. Who is Mohammed Khudhair?
5. Give the suitable meaning:
1. disappear 2. Crude 3. Sustain 4. Sways
6. What moral lessons does the writer try to give in 'The Swing'?
2/The Canary
1. What did the canary do to attract the attention of his owner?
2.People have the idea that birds are heartless and cold little
Creatures . ( True , False)
3. What did the people carried away by?
4. Do you find it easy to sympathise with the woman ? Why , or why not?
5. How does the story of “The Canary” end?
6. Give the suitable meaning:
1. scarcely 2. Neat 3. Fancy 4.appreciated 5. Drowsy
مرشحات الانشاء Writing
1. Write 100_120 words on '' Cigare􀆩e advertising should be illegal''.
2. Write 100_120 words on how to give advice on ge􀆫ng to the interview.
3. Write a 100-120 words on ''The advantages of studying English in Britain''.
4. Write 100-120 words about ways people can help to improve the Environment.

الموضوع منقول للاستفادة 

تذكر اي شخص يمكنه اضافة تعليق والمشاركة
(اضف رد جميل مثل "شكرا على الموضوع ولا تنسى ان الله يراقبك")
